Why your Marketing should always Be Engaging


An integral part of any business is to properly communicate your business offering, not only raising awareness, but ensuring that all messages reflect the overall brand and ethos you’re trying to present. This sounds like a simple task, but there are many areas that need to be considered in the process. One of these areas is content, which let’s face it doesn’t write itself, campaigns don’t launch themselves and not everyone is creative or indeed has the time to implement effective marketing strategies across their business. The sensible solution to deal with this is by having a solid marketing strategy that encompasses everything from content, social media, events and campaigns to mention a few. If you are feeling a little out of your depth, then working with a professional Marketing Communications expert, such as Lisa Benson from B Engaging can really make all the difference to your business.  Offering expert advice to design and implement  a real marketing solution that will help your business to flourish.

Here we take a look at the areas that a marketing communications expert, such as Lisa Benson, from B Engaging can help with.


When you head off on a car journey do you just start driving and hope that you’ll get to your destination eventually or do you plan your route using Sat Nav or a map? It’s the same with your business, you look at where you are now, decide where you want to be and then plan how to get there. A crucial part of your plan should be your marketing strategy because that’s the bit that says how you are going to engage with your customers. Getting help with your marketing strategy can really help you to understand who your customers are, what motivates them and how you can best engage with them.


If you have a promotion, a new product to launch or even a news story to share it is important to engage effectively with your customers. Using a Marketing Communications Specialist to create and implement a fully integrated campaign that uses the right tools for your target audience will give you more chance of achieving those all important results.

Creative Thinking

A marketing consultant can offer a fresh and creative pair of eyes to help inject a bit of a buzz about your brand, or maybe help you pitch a great new idea. Using a bit more facilitated blue sky thinking can help get your business moving again.

Content & Copy

This is an area that can be extremely time consuming for any business. If you are a small business you may not have the capacity to have your own content writer, and finding the time or the words to effectively express your ideas may be a challenge. This is a great reason to outsource to a Marketing Communications expert. They will have experience, knowledge and creative ideas as well as knowing the best approach to implementing them.

Online & Social Media

Online visibility is a must, but again can pull you away from other important areas of your role. By offloading this area, you can quickly see a strategy forming around your online channels which will inevitably help to raise your profile and brand awareness, which all helps when engaging directly with potential customers.


If you are looking to boost donations to your chosen charity, a Marketing Communications agency, such as B Engaging can facilitate this by creating and implementing an effective fundraising strategy that will help you to achieve your fundraising goals.

Public Relations

It is important to enhance your brand’s reputation by ensuring that high quality messages are communicated about your business and shared with the right people and in the right places. A marketing professional will have years of knowledge and contacts that will enable them to place your business exactly where you want to be.


Events are time-consuming and need a lot of attention to detail, planning and organisation. From  the venue to invites, timescales, small important details that are easy to miss – these are areas which can be taken on by a Marketing Communications specialist such as B Engaging.

Whatever direction you would like to take your business in, a Marketing Consultant can help you plan the journey. From understanding where you are now to developing and implementing the strategic approach that will let you achieve your aims.

If you would like to find out more about how working with a Marketing Communications Specialist can help your business contact us at hello@cleverbusinesswebsites.co.uk and we can put you in touch with Lisa Benson from B Engaging. If you contact Lisa directly, don’t forget to mention where you heard about B Engaging!
