How to make a bang with your website launch


You’ve spent weeks of time and invested money into your website. It is a big achievement for any company when their website is ready to be launched and you can show it off to the world. You want to get this right and create maximum impact, but how?! It is important to get the word out to your target audience in order to start driving traffic to your website. Creating a buzz around the launch is a great marketing opportunity, and can involve the whole of your company.

Here are our top tips on how to make a bang with your website launch.

Create and send out press releases

Using traditional marketing when launching your new website can still prove to be useful. Press releases can be a really effective medium to grab the attention of local newspapers and relevant online magazines. Most articles like this are also published online, which can boost your local SEO in terms of link building.

Share the news on your social media platforms

Social media is one of the easiest and most effective ways of driving traffic to your new website. It is a great way of building awareness. A social media campaign should ideally be started prior to the launch in order to create interest. You could post sneak peeks of what people can expect, talk about features of your website and share behind-the-scenes information to create excitement.

Shout about it in your email newsletter

If you have an e-newsletter with a database, this is a prime tool in getting your message out there about your new website. Your subscribers actively are interested in what you have to offer as they have chosen to hear from you, so they are likely to be most engaged in what you have to share.

Engage your employees

Your team should be the forefront of your company as brand ambassadors so make sure that you engage your company in the website launch excitement. Before you announce the new site to the public,create buzz among the company with an internal launch. Present the new site, features and encourage people in the company to become familiar with the new website prior to the official launch. This will allow your employees to feel more connected to the launch.

If you are looking for a new website to be proud of but are not sure where to begin, give us a call on 01865 98 98 99 or email to discuss your requirements.
